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In Honor & Memory Donations

In Honor & Memory Donations

Our Lassen Legacy Circle includes the following members whose 'Passion for Lassen' extends for generations to come:

Perry Harris

Susie Watson

Lassen Park Foundation has thoughtfully been gifted donations In Honor* of:

Zachary Brunner

Steve, Maura and Kieran Buckley

N.C. Betts Family

Steve & Clare Gaston

Happy Birthday Peter

Xixi & Jonathan Shakes

Happy Birthday Shane

Michael D. West

Lassen Park Foundation has graciously received donations In Memory* of the following individuals' devotion to Lassen:

Merle Bashor

Ashli Bennett

Jeremy Brandon & Scott Brittain

Harry Daniell

TJ Day


Theodore Lee Friedline II

James Galbreath

George Giannini

Perry Harris

Edward G. Heinzel

Robert Mendelson

George Perkins

Saul Eli "Chick" Shapiro

John Sharrah

Susie Watson

Phyllis Wilsey

*Names listed here represent donations received over the last two years.

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