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Help Keep The Wonder Alive

Providing philanthropy, stewardship and youth opportunities in an effort to preserve Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Support the Cause
Lasting Stewardship

Our youth programs and experiences foster a love for the park and build lasting environmental stewardship.

Park Preservation

Your generous financial support allows for continued preservation and conservation efforts.

Responsible Wonderment

We work to ensure the unique intimacy and beauty of the park is enjoyed responsibly through educational projects.

Be Part Of Something Bigger

Preserving the beauty and magic of Lassen Volcanic National Park starts with you. It truly does. Through your support, the Lassen Park Foundation creates educational opportunities and youth experiences that foster stewardship and a long-lasting love for this incredible area. We believe that when visitors and youth can create positive memories through our programs and activities, they will take care of the park for generations to come. But, we can’t do it alone. Your generous contributions in the form of monetary donations or volunteer involvement are what will keep the wonder of Lassen Park alive for generations to come.

Support the Cause

Your Contributions At Work

Youth Opportunities

Built in 2016, the Volcano Adventure Camp hosts hundreds of underserved youth every summer, educating and inspiring the next generation of park stewards. Expansion of the camp is expected by 2022.

Visitor Experience

Visitor park experience is enhanced by several interpretive centers housing exhibits and visitor information to help enrich the public's understanding and learn more about Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Official Partnerships

Funds generated from Lassen Park Foundation are used to respond to improvement requests made by administrative officials with the National Park Service as well as Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Scholarships & Grants

Financial support is provided through annual grants and scholarships to underserved youth groups, reducing financial hurdles that might prevent them from visiting and learning at Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Events & Campaigns

The Foundation coordinates major sponsorship events and long-term fundraising campaigns such as Peak Experience, Discover Lassen, and Reach the Peak, improving park trails and engaging donors.

Success Stories

Interpretive Intern Program

Visitor park experience is enhanced by museums, exhibits and guides to help explain the features of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Through its funding of interpretive and educational projects, the Lassen Park Foundation informs visitors and school groups about the park and inspires interest in and thought about science, nature and history. One of our key programs is the funding of summer and winter interpretive interns to help park visitors better experience the national park.

Volcano Adventure Camp

Lassen Park Foundation contributed over $475,000 in funds and hundreds of staff and volunteer hours to complete construction on the park’s first Youth Camping Facility, the Volcano Adventure Camp, in 2016. Today the Volcano Adventure Camp hosts hundreds of underserved youth every summer, educating and inspiring the next generation of park stewards. Expansion of the camp is expected to be complete and ready for use by 2022.

Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center

Lassen Park Foundation contributed $500,000 in funds towards construction of the Kohm Yah-mah-nee Visitor Center (KYVC) and creation of visitor exhibits. Lassen Park Foundation produced the film that introduces Lassen Volcanic National Park to new guests. This film, Lassen Volcanic National Park: The Story Behind the Landscape, screens in the Visitor Center and at the Loomis Museum.

Reach the Peak: Lassen Peak Trail Restoration

Rehabilitation of the park's signature trail began in 2010 and was completed in 2014. The Foundation successfully reached its goal of $500,000 for this effort with the National Park Service and other partners contributing $1.7 million.

In Honor & Memory Donations

Every day we receive donations from people just like you who want to honor those that share our passion for Lassen. We want to say "Thank You" to everyone who has inspired someone else to experience Lassen Volcanic National Park!

Ways to Contribute:


Your financial generosity is how we exist, grow and thrive.


The programs and park require people to give their time.


Lassen Legacy ensures your commitment to the park for generations.


Our foundations Board of Directors needs your involvement.

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